


About This Website

This website and is operated by Keikyu EX Inn Co., Ltd. Please read and understand the following information before using our website. Please note that the content of this website may be changed or canceled without notice.

About copyright

As a general rule, the copyright of all content posted on this website belongs to our company. However, if there are copyrighted works owned by an outsourcing company, the copyright will belong to each copyright holder. Unauthorized diversion or reproduction of all contents is prohibited.
*Please note that if you use the information on our website without our permission, it may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, portrait rights, privacy, etc.

Recommended environment

We recommend viewing this website using the following browsers. If you use a browser other than the ones listed below, the page may not display correctly or may take time to load.

Recommended browser

  • Google Chrome latest version
  • Mozilla Firefox latest version
  • Microsoft Edge latest version
  • Safari latest version

*Firefox is a trademark or registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation in the United States.
*Google Chrome is a registered trademark of Google Inc.

In addition, if the program you use when making a reservation from the official website has already reached the end of the manufacturer's support period (mainstream phase) for the OS or browser software you are using, we will provide the necessary fixes, etc. The reservation system may become unavailable due to security issues. To protect your personal information, this site can only be used with officially supported browsers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

About plugins

This homepage contains content using PDF. You can download it for free below, so please obtain it as needed.

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About the links

Please use third party websites other than our company that are linked from or linked to this website based on the terms of use stated on each website. Please note that we are not responsible for any accidents, troubles, etc. that occur at linked sites.
[About link settings] If you would like to set up a link to our website, please contact us. The URL set as a link destination will only be a link to the top page. We do not allow links that use registered trademarks, designs, etc. owned by our company without permission. We do not accept links to commercial sites or sites that violate public order and morals.

About disclaimer

Our company does not provide any warranties regarding this website. We are not responsible for any errors in the content on this website, or for any trouble between users and third parties that may arise when using this website. We are not responsible for any accidents or other damages resulting from the use of this website. However, this does not apply if the content of the homepage is directly provided by our company and the disadvantage or damage is due to our company's intention or gross negligence.