
Hotel basic information

Keikyu EX Inn Yokosuka Research Park

Keikyu EX Inn Yokosuka Research Park

7-2 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture 239-0847
Approximately 5 minutes by bus from YRP Nobi Station on the Keikyu Line
Check-in: 15:00 / Check-out: 11:00

Directions from the station

  1. After exiting the ticket gate, please turn left.
  2. If you go straight towards the Keikyu Store, you will see the bus stop on your right.
  3. Please board the bus bound for YRP from "Busboard 1".
  4. Get off at Hikarinooka No. 5. With your back to the road, you will see our hotel on your right.
  5. Please enter from the front entrance.
Please check the Keikyu Bus homepage for the bus timetable from YRP Nobi Station.
Please check beforehand as there are fewer trains on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Smartphone de directions (image)

Smartphone guide

If you are within walking distance and using a smartphone, tap "Start Directions" to guide you to the hotel.

Neighborhood information
