
Hotel basic information

Keikyu EX Inn Keikyu Kamata-Station

Keikyu EX Inn Keikyu Kamata-Station

4-45-3 Kamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0052
About 3 minutes walk from Keikyu Kamata Station "East Exit"
Check-in: 15:00 / Check-out: 10:00

Please be careful not to confuse it with other nearby "Keikyu EX Inn"!

Keikyu EX Inn has two hotels in Kamata area.
Our hotel is located towards the east exit of Keikyu Kamata Station.
A nearby hotel, Keikyu EX Inn Kamata, is located between JR Kamata Station and Keikyu Kamata Station.

Directions from the station

  1. When you exit the ticket gate, there will be an escalator in front of you.
  2. Please go down to the ground floor using the escalator in front of the ticket gate.
  3. Once you get off the escalator, turn left and exit.
  4. When you go outside, you will see a pedestrian bridge on your right. Go straight on the sidewalk along the national highway, with the station building on your right.
  5. Cross the pedestrian crossing and go straight.
  6. Our hotel is on your right.
Smartphone de directions (image)

Smartphone guide

If you are within walking distance and using a smartphone, tap "Start Directions" to guide you to the hotel.

Neighborhood information
