
Hotel basic information

Keikyu EX Inn Haneda

Keikyu EX Inn Haneda

5-5-14 Haneda, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0043
The shortest walk is about 3 minutes from Tenkubashi Station's A2 exit.
Check-in: 15:00 / Check-out: 10:00

Please be careful not to confuse it with other nearby "Keikyu EX Inn"!

Keikyu EX Inn has two hotels in Haneda area.
Our hotel is located in a building whose landmark is the KEIKYU EX INN signboard that can be seen from Exit A1, North Exit, and A2 of Tenkubashi Station.
A nearby hotel Keikyu EX Inn Haneda Innovation City, is located within HANEDA INNOVATION CITY.

Directions from the station

  1. Exit the ticket gate of Tenkubashi Station on the Keikyu Airport Line.
  2. Please go straight through the ticket gate.
  3. Please take the escalator to the ground level.
  4. When you get to the ground, turn right.
  5. Please cross the bridge.
  6. Turn right at the end.
  7. Please go down the stairs.
  8. Walk straight along the river and you will see our hotel on your left.
  9. This is the front entrance. Please come to the 2nd floor front desk.
  1. Exit the ticket gate of Tenkubashi Station on the Keikyu Airport Line and turn right.
  2. Please head to elevator A1 exit.
  3. Please take the elevator to the ground level.
  4. When you get out, turn right.
  5. Please go straight ahead.
  6. Cross the pedestrian crossing and turn left.
  7. Go straight on Anamori Bridge and cross the pedestrian crossing in front of the hotel.
  8. This is the front entrance. Please come to the 2nd floor front desk.
  1. Please exit the Tokyo Monorail "Tenkubashi Station" north exit ticket gate.
  2. After exiting the ticket gate, turn right.
  3. Please go straight ahead.
  4. Cross the pedestrian crossing and turn left.
  5. Go straight on Anamori Bridge and cross the pedestrian crossing in front of the hotel.
  6. This is the front entrance. Please come to the 2nd floor front desk.
  • At Exit A2 of Tenkubashi Station on the Keikyu Line, there is an escalator from Exit A2 to the hotel (up), but only stairs from Exit A2 (down) from the hotel.
  • There is an elevator at Exit A1, but it takes about 10 minutes on foot.
Smartphone de directions (image)

Smartphone guide

If you are within walking distance and using a smartphone, tap "Start Directions" to guide you to the hotel.

Free shuttle bus

About the free shuttle bus

About the free shuttle bus

We operate a shuttle bus between Haneda Airport and the hotel.
Shuttle bus from the hotel to Haneda Airport depart early in the morning, while shuttle bus from Haneda Airport to the hotel depart in the evening.
*Use is limited to staying guests only.
(No reservation required, free)

Neighborhood information
